Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy uses specific computerized treatment programs. to successfully treat many eye related problems, like “lazy eye”, mild squint, weakness in eye muscles, Computer Vision Syndrome, difficulty in depth perception and learning disabilities due to defective vision.

How does vision therapy help your eyes?

You can think of vision therapy as physical therapy for the eyes and the brain. We see with our brain and mind, and not just our eyes. In vision therapy, there is vision training and rehabilitation of eye brain connections, to enable the eyes to become stronger permanently.

How does one recognize the need for vision therapy?

  1. If you suffer from eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision, double vision, difficulty in concentrating while reading, you could be suffering from weakness of the eye muscles. Vision therapy can definitely help you.
  2. If your child has ‘lazy eye’ due to any reason, whether a squint, previous eye surgery, or a high glass number, vision therapy is likely to be beneficial.
  3. If your child has difficulty in perceiving letters due to any neurological problem, it is worthwhile trying vision therapy to improve vision.

How is vision therapy done?

Vision therapy is a form of graded exercise program on the computer, specifically tailored to address the visual needs of a particular patient.

The patient can either do the exercises in the hospital with us on a ½ hour basis daily or take a CD home and have daily ½ hourly sessions at home, which are customized. The usual duration of the treatment is 3 to 4 months.

We can monitor the therapy from the hospital over internet and communicate with the patient.

The patient may be asked to come over for evaluation on a weekly or a fortnightly basis to assess the improvement.

Vision Therapy uses specific computerized treatment programs. to successfully treat many eye related problems, like lazy eye, mild squint, weakness in eye muscles, Computer Vision Syndrome, difficulty in depth perception and learning disabilities due to defective vision.
You can think of vision therapy as physical therapy for the eyes and the brain. We see with our brain and mind, and not just our eyes. In vision therapy, there is vision training and rehabilitation of eye brain connections, to enable the eyes to become stronger permanently.
There are varieties of eye diseases affecting vision, depending on site of their involvement some common problems are

1. What is strabismus /”squint”?

When both the eyes are not aligned together as they are expected to be, we call it a strabismus. (Commonly called ‘cross eyes’)

2. At what age does it occur?

Strabismus can occur at any age, sometimes even at birth.

3. Can strabismus be seen by the caregivers?

While some cases of strabismus are very obvious, others occur intermittently or are mild and may not be as obvious to caregivers.

4. How can one prevent strabismus?

One cannot prevent strabismus. It is essential to detect it at the earliest by a routine eye evaluation by a specialist.

5. What is the treatment of strabismus?

Strabismus is of many types. Depending on the type of strabismus treatment may be eye muscle exercises, eyeglasses and or surgery.

6. What if one does not get strabismus treated?

Delay in treatment could lead to decrease of vision and depth perception.